GIC and ICBC (Asia) sign a Memorandum of Understanding to jointly manage a new Asia-Middle East investment fund

GIC Raises USD 500 mn Five-Year Bond

Kuwait, 25-11-2012: Following on from previous successful issues this year in the Malaysian Ringgit and Swiss Franc markets, Gulf Investment Corporation G.S.C. (“GIC”) successfully returned to the public US Dollar bond market on Wednesday 21st November...
GIC and ICBC (Asia) sign a Memorandum of Understanding to jointly manage a new Asia-Middle East investment fund

Moody’s Reaffirms GIC’s Baa2/Prime-2 LT rating

Kuwait 4-11-2012: The Gulf Investment Corporation (GIC) announced today that Moody’s Credit Rating Agency reaffirmed its long term and short term ratings at Baa2/P2 and its stand alone BFSR at D, all ratings carried a Stable outlook. The action by Moody’s is a...