Kuwait, 31 January 2012: Gulf Investment Corporation (GIC), Gulf Bond Fund continues its impressive performance with a 5.43% return for 2011 despite global economic challenges and regional uncertainty, adding a solid seventh year to its track record.
Being the first fund dedicated to GCC bonds and Sukuks, established in March 2005, and one of the largest in the region, with a market value exceeding $ 152 million, GIC Gulf Bond Fund managed to maintain its solid performance despite recent global economic instability and regional turmoil.
Head of GCC Equities Division, Talal Zaid Al-Tawari said: “ The fund was able to beat benchmark and achieve positive performance for 4 consecutive quarters with a full year return of 5.43%, an annualized total return of 3.83% since inception, thanks to the high quality of its holdings where underlying bonds are rated A- and above along with a broad regional and sector diversification attracting the attention of many investors looking for consistently competitive performance in the GCC region.”
Al-Tawari explain that a period of historically high oil prices made GCC economies among the best global performers with impressive GDP growth numbers that are expected to continue in the next few years.
Vice President – GCC Bonds and Fund Manager, Khalifa Al-Rashid said: “The recent rating downgrade of US Treasury bonds, which are now only one notch better rated than some GCC countries, combined with a still generous spread have significantly increased international appetite for regional fixed income investments.”
He added: as global economy enters another year of uncertainty and risk aversion GCC credits emerge as an ideal asset class that provides one of the best expected risk adjusted returns.
Equipped with an industry expertise built up over the last 29 years and a unique Pan-GCC ownership structure in addition to one of the largest regional buy-side research teams, GIC is ideally positioned to take advantage of booming regional fixed income markets.
ويملك صندوق الخليج للسندات سجلاً طويلاً حافلاً بالإنجازات في أسواق الائتمان الإقليمية، كما أن تركيزه على إدارة الأصول والمخاطر على السواء يشكل فرصة ممتازة للاستثمار في ظل انخفاض العوائد على الأصول العالمية بالإضافة إلى التقلبات الحادة في أسعارها.
Established in 1983, GIC is a regional financial institution owned entirely and equally by the six GCC states. GIC strives to provide a comprehensive range of financial services that support the development of private enterprise and economic growth in the Gulf region. GIC managed to achieve a number of major projects throughout GCC Countries all with diversified activities covering different sectors via, financial, petrochemical, steel, power, communications and others. GIC successfully maintained its distinguished presence as a financially powerful establishment with rewarding returns and enhanced capital base